1436. Mon 26/12/22: The Black Horse, Luton

Beer: Tring Brewery Santa’s Little Helper 4.8%

7:45pm kick-off on Boxing Day, against Norwich, thanks to effin’ Sky TV.

Our day has been somewhat torrid already – having tried and eventually given up on driving to Rugby to wish Steph’s Dad a Merry Happy Christmas Birthday. What with the train strike and the time limitations of getting there and back in time for this… we spent two hours on the M1 – getting from Junction 10 to Junction 13, then heading back.

Back at the Horse, we (Stephanie and I) arrive early. The locals’ crowd has yet to be diluted by us football bores. We manage to get a table at the back, minding our own business, waiting for our lot to arrive – which they eventually do, in dribs and drabs. There aren’t, unsurprisingly, the numbers that there all normally for a home match. No Harper representation tonight.

We talk Christmas: where we went, what we got, what we ate, what we watched…

CJ outlines his ongoing plans to quit the area and move to North Wales.

Mixed bag of photos. Most are unusable. My feeling, at the time, is that the dark and dingy underexposed shots reflect the contemporary ambience better than them set on auto. Unfortunately, looking back over them, they’re so dark its hard to make anything out. Still, you know, the Horse is that kind of place – fantastic though it is, it does boast some pungent undercurrent which doesn’t seem entirely free from murk.

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