1777. Wed 27/3/24: Bar Charly, Plaza Nueva, Bilbao

Beer: Amstel 5.0%

We’ve had our little sleep and we’re back out in Plaza Nueva in the old town. We’re straight in for pintxos. Two each. They’re very nice and fishy – hammy – cheesy – a bit bloody expensive. An open sandwich on a slice of baguette. All very pretty, but they cost more than the beer does.

The beer is way better than that normally available in Andalucia, but tapas is generally more interesting (and less expensive) than pintxos. Iberian swings and roundabouts, innit?

Some people, one supposes, aren’t tight wads like me – and just enjoy these little treats. Fair enough.

Having dished out a little faint praise for the drink, my notes end with the enigmatic/disgusting suggestion that the “beer tastes like earwax”.

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