1174. Tue 16/11/21: Sousedský Pivovar Bašta, Prague

Beer: Kroužková 12 5.0%

Straight out of U Bansethu, and next door to Pivovar Basta. The two pubs are apparently under the same ownership – Bansethu is a traditional Pilsner Urquell pub, patronised back in the day by Jaroslav Hasek, while Basta is a (trendy/newer) brewpub.

It’s quite a big and sprawling place but we’ve had trouble finding a seat here on previous visits.

Not sure if it’s the time of day, the time of week or the pandemic – it’s probably all three – but they’ve only got the front foyer area open, seating accommodation for about a dozen punters – and there’s two other couples in. Apart from us, a good proportion of people have come for the duck. It’s renowned in these parts. It looks delicious. I really must take the opportunity one of these years but, as it is, it’s the early afternoon and I’d be napping at the very least if I had half a duck and all the Czech trimmings… it’d probably be well worth it. Next time, maybe.

I’m missing out on the duck, Pivovar Basta is missing the regular hubbub. The beer is fine, it’s light and hoppy and had it been available we’d have had their polotmavy instead. It wasn’t, so we couldn’t.

Apart from those enjoying meals, there are those coming in to purchase bread from the in-pub bakery… proper little community hub, these two places.

We have a couple, then nick off. We’re bound for top World Cup qualification football tonight: Czech Republic v Estonia, at Sparta’s Letna ground.  

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