381. Fri 30/3/18: The Bricklayers Arms, Luton

Beer: Portobello Star 4.3%

Our plan this Friday night is/was to have a look at the refurbed Painters, nip in the Brickies, then go on to the mini beer festival that Chris is staging at The Black Horse.

This is phase two.

The Brickies is quiet. We play Words on the quiz machine. We play some other game too – can’t remember.

Not all brilliant and insightful these reports, are they? Hopefully the picture(s) will be good.

383. Fri 30/3/18: The Bricklayers Arms, Luton

Beer: Portobello Star 4.3%

Back in the Brickies to end the evening. I’ve recorded more in the way of notes this time round – but we were clearly getting quite tired and emotional by this time.

My niece was baptised while we were away in Spain – so Steph and I missed it. We didn’t get her a gift. Is gifting part of the baptism deal? Doubtless she’ll have got summat. What, though, should I have bought her – a lion or a monkey? Leighton reckons he could get either – but that they’d come at a price. We don’t believe him.

The Stones are on the jukebox, as per usual. It’s Jumping Jack Flash, and the Brix is a gas.

We play on the quizzer again. Is it a new machine? We win nothing.