1039a. Fri 7/8/20: The Bricklayers Arms, Luton

Beer: Leighton Buzzard Bavarian Dragon 4.0%

Busier than previous weeks, though everyone using the pub’s taking advantage of the outdoor seating arrangements. Me, TPK and L8s. The Three Musketeers? Hmm. Possibly. It’s something we discuss for a little while. We’d be dangerous with swords and flouncy outfits, though mostly to ourselves and each other.

We have our eyes on the whitewash garage we’d grabbed last week, and play musical tables around it. In the process, we unseat a bloke who’s got one of the proper pub A-frame tables. He’s sat on his own, and we guess he’s gone home after he finishes a pint. He hasn’t, he’s gone to the bar. Me and TPK feel we should offer the table back, though not with enough conviction to actually do it.

There are bats in the garden. They’re great.

I have a quick word with AP, who’s wearing a Thrilled Skinny t-shirt. I wonder if he’d like to order a Clod Magazine t-shirt. Pink, he advises, is not his colour.

1046. Mon 31/8/20: The White House, Luton

Beer: Tring Colleys Dog 5.2%

Summer Bank Holiday. The last “Eat out to help out” day. The eateries of central Luton are doing a marvellous trade. So too the JDW. It’s not rammed full, but it’s clearly busier than normal. Dealing with the extra trade seems to have compromised bar cleanliness somewhat – loads of glasses of lager, apparently discarded, on the bar. The shuffling incoherent rigmarole of the covid bar service queuing system also seems an irksome extra bother when it’s busy.

I’m in bank holiday fug myself. Left to my own devices on these days, I tend toward the anonymity of this cavernous, uncaring pub. Here I can get quietly soused, have an early night – and be up and ready early in the morning to get to the gym before work: in a job which latterly has more than a whiff of the temporary about it.

Anyway, all that said, and typically of the Spoons’ and Tring Brewery – the beer is excellent.

1042a. Sat 15/8/20: The North Star, South Hampstead, London

Beer: Sharps Doom Bar 4.0%

A cautious dip, post lockdown and first London pub visit. I remember The North Star as a low-key, down at heel boozer from days gone by. I’m first in by the look of it and Covid means everything’s polished and shiny, but The North Star still feels low-key and down at heel. A bit like The Swiss Cottage down the road, but less interesting.

So far, so good. Nothin wrong with a quiet pub. On the contrary. Two key things are awry, however. Doom Bar – the only ale on – is never great. I’m not sure The North Star keep it especially well, either. It’s not undrinkable, but me and the beer stare each other out, both a little flat and sulky.

Second is the music. Too loud. Come on; I want to read. If you’re going to put some old blues or jazz on, quietly, we’re in business. But this is typical weekend car crash flubber-lover beer-goggle groin grabber stuff.

Still, the barmaid’s friendly. When I mess up with the signing in system, she sympathises when I tell her I can’t remember my mobile phone number. She’s then off to serve one of another customer who comes in while I’m straining the Doom Bar. Snacks but no food, she advises him. Although there’s a barbecue later, which she admirably talks up a little bit.

1042c. Sat 15/8/20: The Sealion, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent

Wychwood Brewery Hobgoblin Gold 4.2%

I’m taking Ron, my dad-in-law, down to his local for the first time since lockdown in March and probably some time before that. The guy is suffering from vascular dementia and it is progressing.  He is very forgetful now but this trip has cheered him up and he is happy to recognise some old regulars from his dominoes gang. He used to be a nimble opponent and I learnt to play 5s and 3s from him. 

The Sealion has got new young owners and took it over a week before lockdown came in, terrible timing. Still, they spent the time redecorating the place while closed and it looks a lot fresher. They are keen to get more ale pumps going and I love Hobgoblin Gold and wished them well for the future.

It’s these community pubs that really need saving from the economic blight of this pandemic.

1044a. Fri 21/8/20: The Bricklayers Arms, Luton

Beer: Oakham Inferno 4.0%

Friday night in the garden. Or the space between all the window-less buildings overlooking the back of The Brickies. The furniture’s ramshackle in places, but the transformation of the area this summer is welcome and rather good. 

Tim and L8s out. L8s has been out for a while already, and has a load of dvds from Shady Steve. Series 8 or 9 or something of Grange Hill. The one where Zammo got hooked on smack. Sounds a bit grim to me – I can’t remember whether or not I watched it at the time, though in hindsight, it was pretty bold stuff. Some discussion about The Knockouts pulling together an album covering the Crown Court music, from the tv show of the same title. Or an album influenced by the show, which feels more achievable. TPK and I talk about what to put in the Fold Edition Luton Town Handbook for the coming season and – as if by magic – John Pyper arrives. John and Tim pore over the 1966/67 Bobbers Handbook, which is a thing of beauty and full of good looking, but entirely unappealing adverts.

No pictures

1039. Fri 7/8/20: The Bricklayers Arms, Luton

Beer: Oakham Bishops Farewell 4.6%

Jardin dans l’Briqs: but in a sub-prime position right at the back. It’s a rickety old table – all of the new sturdy A-frame benches are taken. Still, at this time of the evening, at this time of year, this vantage point is good for spotting bats – and bat spot we do. Nice to see a bat or too flitting around High Town.

L8s, me brother and I out.

Apart from moving thrice round the garden – in search of additional comfort and light – this pub visit (which comes at the end of week 19 continuous furlough leave for me) maybe isn’t too noteworthy.

There’s too much Priti Patel chat, frankly. Would she be a bag of laughs if Leightron succeeded in getting her down here for a few drinks? We wonder. Frankly I don’t wonder too much, but the conversation goes on to which Conservative politicians would provide convivial pub company? Portillo. Clarke. Major… it’s a bit much Tory pub pal potential chat for me – but conversation can’t always be scintillating can it?

1038. Wed 5/8/20: The White House, Luton

Beer: Nethergate Umbel Magna 5.0%

Luton town centre seems in Covid complacent chaos: folk milling around, apparently entirely regardless. The town centre these days seems so wretchedly down at heel…

I’ve decided to go on a little recce to The White House, so see how the JDWs are faring. To be honest, given the apparent zombie state of folk outside, one’s initial impression inside L’Maison Blanc are generally positive. It’s nice and airy in here, there’s screens between the tables – and the late afternoon clientele seem reasonably/relatively civilised.

The beer is excellent too.

In town ‘cause the gym has reopened – so I’ve had a tentative workout and a shower – and Steph’s off furlough and back in full time employment. I’m still on furlough. Week 19. My none too positive plan is to have a few, then home via a chicken and chips-in-a-sweaty-box shop.

Pint two invites revision of covid compliance in this boozer. The test and trace boxes require a little form to be filled out and posted (in a cardboard postbox akin to those created for “Letters to Santa”). There’s nobody on the door to request/demand completed forms – nobody (myself included) seems to have bothered filling out a form.

Still, the beer remains very decent.

First outing for notebook noXIII: featuring Rosalia de Castro – Galician poet – book bought in Vigo earlier this year.

1040. Fri 14/8/20: The White House, Luton

Beer: Kelchner After Dark 4.8%, Theakstons Old Peculiar 5.6%

It’s overcast, cloudy and humid both inside and out of the JDW’s. I’ve just completed week XX of furlough leave. That’s 100 days. Am returning on Monday, but on ambiguously sketchy “filling in” duties. Pleased to be going back, but trepidatious. Still if, in six months time, I’m still gainfully employed – I’ll look back at furlough with some strange affection.

In the meantime, the pub is reasonably busy. Covid checks at the door seem entirely optional, and universally ignored. The Kelchner apparently isn’t at its best, which is a shame. I’m not really feeling too joyous on this latest no-mates sojourn to the Whitey. Me brother suggests I spend too much time here – but it remains the only place in town in which one is almost guaranteed unbothered anonymity. The beer tends to be very good too – and it’s a good pub for reading in. I don’t have a book.

The ambient soundscape does nothing for my mood, so I plug into an Adam Buxton podcast. I’ve not really kept up to date over lockdown/furlough… still, its episode 116, and is covid nostalgic.

The Old Peculiar is in tip top condition. On my way to get it, I acknowledge a fellow standing some way away from the bar but, given social distancing protocol, I ask if he’s in the queue. Unsmiling, in response, he jabs a fat thumb over his shoulder – as answer in the affirmative, and to suggest I file behind him (at a safe distance). Once at the bar, the oaf is laughing and joking with the barstaff. He orders a Foster’s. He would.

Adam Buxton is good and the beer is good and my mood started to improve – until I got into a queueing altercation with the barlady. I approached, the otherwise vacant bar, from the wrong direction and was told off. I apologised, but explained that I had checked the bar was clearly unoccupied… while my drink was being poured I felt I’d been a little defensive. I apologised again, and was told off again.

“do you understand?” she said

“no, but then I am a bit simple”

That exchange apparently left us mutually peeved. Thankfully, when I did get up to leave, the barlady was nowhere to be seen – so I was unable to attempt apology no.3.

1044. Fri 21/8/20: The Bricklayers Arms, Luton

Beer: Leighton Buzzard Brewery Lemon Drop 4.4%

We start outside, in the newly appointed garage spot. It’s nice and rustic, but nights are starting to close in now, so it’s pretty dark – so we’re into the back bar before very long.

Myself, my brother and L8tron out.

The beer, though I normally steer clear of citrussy brews, is pleasantly understated in that regard. Very nice.

I’m wearing a pair of suede DM boots which I recently bought on eBay for the bargain price of £40 inc p&p. Leighton suggests they’re clod hoppers, better suited to a teenage female gothic rocker.

We chat over a second edition of the Half Time Treats Handbook, for the new football season. I’ve bought a Bobbers Club handbook from the mid-60’s. Johnny Pyper is in the house, so I discuss it with him. Lovely fella John, but football chat is a bit difficult. Not that the diversion isn’t pleasant, but watching the Town on the telly, rather than going to the match, isn’t the same. It’s not nearly as good.

That lack of enthusiasm is reflected in the time it’s taking me to start on a new edition…

1045. Fri 28/8/20: The Bricklayers Arms, Luton

Beer: Naylor’s Gold 4.0%, Heritage Brewing Co Charrington IPA 4.5%

Just me bruffer and I, and it’s filthy wet and horrible outside. Inside there’s possibly less than a dozen punters in the pub. That would make the place a nice convivial bolthole in better times – but these are horrible covid pandemic times. Pubs surely can’t survive if this goes on too long. Received the news on Monday of this week that the pub group I work for are shutting the Luton office where I work. So, redundancy for me is suddenly very likely.

It’s all very unsettling and scary and… anyway.

The beer’s nice tonight. The Gold is very good and the Charrington is lovely and malty.

Me brother has brought the Nikon D60 DSLR I gave him when I upgraded to the D3200. Seems a very decent camera – somewhat sturdier than my newer (though by now itself very outdated) camera.