1237. Sat 26/2/22: The Black Horse, Luton

Beer: Tring Colley’s Dog 5.2%

Pre LT v Derby. It’s a pleasant day, it seems that spring has sprung; the football, meanwhile, acts as a merciful distraction from giant marauding bear on the continent… until I bring the war up in conversation. It seems that nobody knows what the f*ck is going on.

Me brother and CJ decide to talk Dostoevsky, thus FREEZING me out of the conversation. It’s a cultural cold war, that’s what it is.

There’s Six Nations rugby (to ignore) on the telly.

In town there are large numbers of police and, preaching in George Streets environs, quite a few Christians. Not seen any Derby fans, but I’m sure there’s a few about.

Anyway, though these are troubling times, the fine weather – company – booze and the match to go to, are all quite comforting.

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